The SimLink® software solution, newly developed by GTP Schäfer, creates a simple and direct connection between the MAGMASOFT® simulation program and all data sets from the GTP ToolBox.
The SimLink® software solution, newly developed by GTP Schäfer, creates a simple and direct connection between the MAGMASOFT® simulation program and all data sets from the GTP ToolBox.
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
You will receive an e-mail with a link to set your personal password. In the next step, GTP Schäfer will assign you to your company within 24 hours so that you can access your company-related portfolio data in the future. After these 24 hours you can start importing your portfolio.
GTP Schäfer has developed an online tool that offers various services to GTP Schäfer customers. In addition to all product-related data (2D, 3D, MSDS, TDS, etc.), it contains details on sampling, visit reports, open To Dos, and other valuable information.
Please go to with your Internet-enabled computer and log in there. In the next step, you can download your portfolio as a zip file and import it into MAGMASOFT®. You can see how this works in the video.
Please select the data set “GTP_THERMEX” and the relevant HTC values:
Name: GTP HTC Cast-EXO
Description: Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) from liquid metal in riser to exothermic material
Name: GTP HTC EXO-Mold
Description: Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) from exothermic material to molding sand
When you register, you will receive your user account login credentials for access to the SimLink® database.
In addition, you can use all the advantages of the GTP ToolBox with this same user account.
If you are already registered with the GTP ToolBox, you can use this same user account for SimLink®.
Have you forgotten your GTP ToolBox password? Request a new one here.
Jörg Schäfer
Managing Director
As Managing Director, Jörg Schäfer has been responsible for all sales and technical operations since 2006. This includes managing responsibility for the development of the feeder material data and SimLink®.