Work safety

The health and safety of our employees is an absolute priority

We want our workers to be healthy and happy, because only then can they be innovative and productive. We work hard to ensure that every single employee has a safe workplace and safe working environment. That means preventing accidents at the workplace, while moving around the company, or operating machinery. And, of course, we comply with all currently valid rules and regulations. In order to ensure the highest level of safety and to reduce risks further, we work closely with qualified, independent experts. We have implemented the following measures to optimize work safety:

  • Regular risk assessments to minimize existing risks
  • Continuous schooling of our employees on dangers specific to our workplace
  • Clear documentation and instructions, including standardized rules for dealing with risk situations and regarding safety at the workplace, are easily accessible for all employees
  • Regular simulations of danger and emergency scenarios to practise emergency procedures
  • Strict guidelines regarding the treatment of and working with hazardous materials, which may only be handled by specifically trained employees
  • We provide our employees with fruit and a flu shot free of charge
  • Training of safety officers to support preventive health and safety measures
  • Analysis of events and accidents to improve safety measures and avoid future incidents


Information for the public in accordance with article 8 a of the 12th Federal Emission Protection Ordinance (BImSchV)

The information presented here is intended for those living in the neighborhood of the operating area and for any members of the general public who may be interested.

Our activities in the operating area

Since 1989, GTP Schäfer GmbH has developed and manufactured riser technology products for use in foundries worldwide within its company premises located at Benzstraße 15, 41515 Grevenbroich, Germany. Risers are molds that adsorb liquid metals during the casting process. The exothermic and/or insulating material properties of the risers allow the solidification of the castings to be controlled so that flawless castings can be produced.

Various raw and auxiliary materials are mixed on the company premises, shaped in processing machines by means of compressed air, and subsequently dried.

At its premises in Grevenbroich, GTP Schäfer GmbH is subject to the provisions of the 12th Ordinance implementing the Federal Emission Protection Act (12th BImSchV – Hazardous Incidents Ordinance) for lower-category operating areas.

The hazard potential of the operating area results from the storage and handling of substances listed in the Appendix to the Hazardous Incidents Ordinance. The presence of these substances is notified to the competent authority by means of an incident report in accordance with the Hazardous Incidents Ordinance. The notification of the operating area in accordance with article 7 and the concept for the prevention of hazardous incidents in accordance with article 8 of the 12th BImSchV have been submitted to the District Government of Düsseldorf.

Description of the substances relevant to hazardous incidents

Oxidizing solids Category 1, 2, or 3

Main hazardous characteristics:

May intensify fire; oxidizing agent.

oxidierende feststoffe

Hazardous to waters Category Chronic 2

Main hazardous characteristics:

Toxic to aquatic organisms with long-term effects.


The last on-site inspection by the responsible authority (Düsseldorf District Government) took place on August 30, 2024, and September 5, 2024. Information on the official monitoring plan can be obtained from the Düsseldorf District Government:

District Government of Düsseldorf, Cecilienallee 2, 40474 Düsseldorf, Tel.: +49 (0)211 4750



The safe operational management, as well as the recognition and control of operational disturbances, are enforced by the following:

  • Hazardous materials are only stored in securely locked storage areas.
  • In the event of operational disruptions, any liquid substances released are safely retained by collecting devices.
  • A fire-protection plan has been drawn up for the company, and all legal and technical requirements have been observed and implemented.
  • Fire alarm system provides immediate alert to the Grevenbroich fire department.
  • Production facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art safety technology.

Organizational measures

  • Closed operating area with access control
  • Organization of processes via work and operating instructions
  • Timely alerting by persons and safety equipment
  • Provision of extinguishing agents for fire fighting
  • Constantly guaranteed alerting through on-call duty as well as alarm and danger prevention plan
  • Implementation of regular evacuation and emergency drills
  • Regular inspections with the Grevenbroich fire department to promote local knowledge
  • Regular inspections by the authorities
  • Regular review and updating of the alarm and hazard-prevention plan and the concept for preventing incidents

Despite all security measures and all technical and organizational precautions, operational disruptions cannot be entirely prevented. An incident can become a malfunction if there is a serious danger to people, the environment, or material goods.  The malfunction may be a result of fires, explosions or the release of hazardous substances, either directly or in the further course of events, inside or outside the operating area. In the event of an operational disturbance, the following instructions must be observed.

Warning the general public

The general public will be warned locally by the relevant authority of the Rhine District of Neuss.

What to do in an emergency

You will be informed by:

  • Loudspeaker announcements made by the police and firefighters
  • Radio announcements (Radio NE-WS 89.4)
  • Local news reports

Rules of behavior:

  • Keep calm and follow the instructions of the official emergency services via radio or loudspeaker announcements.
  • Seek shelter in closed premises.
  • Close all doors and windows and switch off the air conditioning.
  • The same also applies if you are in a vehicle.
  • Inform other local inhabitants and passers-by and offer them protection in your house if necessary.
  • Wait for the all-clear announcements of the fire service and the police via radio or loudspeaker.

Contact person / important telephone numbers:


Emergency number fire department: 112
Police emergency number: 110


Head office: 02181 23394 0

This information is available in paper form at the factory entrance (reception).