Startseite News Freshly renovated: nurses’ dormitory at the Kyekyewere Health Centre
Renovierung Schwesternwohnheim im Kyekyewere Health Center 2

Freshly renovated: nurses' dormitory at the Kyekyewere Health Centre

Jörg Schäfer | 21.05.2024

The most important background information

We have been supporting the Kyekyewere Health Centre in Ghana since 2018. It features services in the following areas: prenatal care, paediatric clinic, ultrasound examinations, laboratory, outpatient and inpatient care and patient monitoring. The Kyekyewere Health Centre is located around 20 kilometres from the city of Kumasi and is the only medical care facility available to the 15,000 people who are living there.

What has been realised so far

To date, the following projects have been realised in four phases.

Phase I: Expansion to include a separate men’s and women’s ward
Phase II: Acquisition of additional beds for the functional areas of the Paediatric Clinic and Reproductive Child Health department
Phase III: Construction of a building for staff accommodation
Phase IV: Equipping the health centre with urgently needed equipment

Our latest project: the renovation of the nurses’ dormitory at Kyekyewere Health Centre

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At the beginning of 2024, GTP Schäfer took on the next project: the renovation of the nurses’ home, which had suffered badly over the years. As a first step, the building was given a sturdily constructed roof truss, which was then completely re-roofed. In addition, the interior was given new ceilings. New electrical wiring was then laid and urgently needed plumbing work was carried out.

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The newly renovated nurses’ dormitory is now waiting to be thoroughly cleaned and plastered before being given a new coat of paint.

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We will keep you up to date on the further progress of this project.

Projektschild Kyekyewere Health Center

Perhaps you would also like to support the Kyekyewere Health Center financially?

Click here to visit the website of our partner Madamfo Ghana.

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