The GTP-Toolbox is a cloud-based software solution. It improves the cooperation between foundries and us. With the GTP-Toolbox we establish a connection between their and our processes. It consists of several modules. Five of these are currently relevant to our customers in the foundry industry. Today we present the first module: the “Product Catalogue”.
Are you looking for a solution that gives you access to all your riser data in seconds? The “Product Catalogue” of the GTP-Toolbox gives you a complete overview of our risers – with all the technical details. First of all, this applies to our series-produced risers. And secondly, the custom-made products developed together with you, the data of which only you have access.
In addition, the “Product Catalogue” offers users looking for a riser the opportunity to make a pre-selection according to their needs by setting several selection criteria.
The quickfilter of our “Product Catalogues”
Filter options by category for our GTP risers
Use the “Save View” function to set the last viewed and marked risers into product groups. Save them under a name that you can freely define.
The “Product Catalogue” also enables you to download detailed product specifications in various formats in just one click using the “Actions” function (shown top right in the following picture). These are 2D files and 3D CAD drawings as CATDRAWING, CATPART, .igs, .stl and .stp files.
2D-file as PDF of our PXT riser 1285L-20
Would you like to take a look at our “Product Catalogue”? Then register in our GTP-Toolbox now!
In one of our next news we will present our innovative software solution SimLink. And we will show you how easy it is to position your GTP risers in MAGMASOFT in a simulated manner at the potential weak points of your casting.